The Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhancement Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to sustaining and building salmon stocks in local waterways and facilitating public education regarding salmonid habitat and life cycles.
Summer 2024 Operations Update
For this season, as of Aug 2024, we have incubated, reared, and released to the creek,
- 107,000 Pink fry
- 22,000 adipose fin clipped Coho smolts
- 14,000 Chinook smolts
This years summer projects are,
- the big viewing deck beside the creek is being totally rebuilt, wheelchair access is being added, the old deck was built in the 1980’s and was rotting.
- installation of new deck boards and a security gate on our accessway bridge for the intake pond.
- wheelchair ramps will be installed at both ends of the small bridge beside the adult fish trap.
- the deck on the main hatchery building will also be seeing some upgrades, new deck boards and railings.
In July our new backup generator was commissioned by the supplier and is now fully operational, from this point forward the pumped groundwater used for fish rearing will continue to flow in the event of any power failures.
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